November 20, 2019

Wild Birds, Domestic Turkey.

I didn't photograph any wild birds this week except for geese and ducks. The second photo shows two ducks I saw this morning. They are smaller than mallards, and one  is quite gray. I looked on Cornell's Bird ID pages and think they may be gadwalls.  What do you think?

I saw a a turkey-related sign this morning.
Sorry about the pun. Sharing with Signs.
Speaking of turkeys, Thanksgiving is next week, so I dug into my archives and found a domestic turkey picture.

The remaining photos are also from my archives, starting with a male cardinal.

The male mallard looks elegant, I think. And finally, a robin perched on a branch.

But wait, there's more!

This picture has nothing to do with birds but a lot to do with how we spent today. Frank was in the hospital for tests because he has had chest pain almost every time he exercised. He went in yesterday and they did an EKG and blood work but found nothing. They felt he was at risk due to age mileage and family history, so they kept him over night. This morning they did a CT scan and eventually a stress test. Everything was okay but it took for-ev-er because their computer system was down!

While I was there waiting for them to release him, his nurse asked his goals for the visit and wrote them on a chart.

It was dark by the time we left and he did not want to stop for food, not even a sundae! He has an appointment to see his regular doctor next week.


  1. A nice set of bird photos. The water birds look right at home swimming in the water. It's interesting to see a different type such as the pretty grey bird. Sorry to hear about the hospital visit. Good to get checked out. All the best for good health.

  2. Takiego ładnego indyka dawno nie widziałam. U nas tylko białe na farmach. Nie ma kardynałów w Europie, zawsze lubię oglądać jego zdjęcia.

  3. Hello, I would agree with your Gadwall id. I hope your hubby is ok. The test say all is well. Wishing you a happy day!

  4. ...great turkey sign! That's one beautiful turkey too. Thanks Linda for stopping by, enjoy your day.

  5. Good bird collection...many turkeys on the menus next week! They are already in freezers everywhere. Hope your hubby feels better and can do exercises without pains...and that all those tests will lead him to some useful information eventually.

  6. I laughed when I read the animal hspital sign. :)
    Nice photos, Linda.

  7. Nice collection of birds. A hot fudge sundae seems like a good goal to me.


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