July 4, 2019

Red, White and Bunting.

Five Flag Reminders.
  • Don’t use the flag as clothing.
  • Don’t store the flag where it can get dirty. 
  • Don’t fasten it or tie it back.
  • Don’t use the flag for decoration. 
  • Use bunting with the blue on top, then white, then red.

    For more flag rules, see Flag Etiquette.


  1. ...all those right-wingers who have their pants on fire about Nike dropping the 'Betsy Ross Flag' sneakers after Kaepernick's criticizing them, haven't a clue about flag etiquette.

  2. Hope you're havong a peaceful, fun holiday Linda.

    Our flag stands for freedom.

  3. Nice photo! Happy 4th to you!

  4. Proud to set my flag out this morning.

  5. i think a lot of folks don't know these rules i see them happening all the time and wonder if they - i guess are totally clueless?? the one i always think of is now the fly "Old Glory" is meant to have a light, no ever be in the dark. guess u could make a "citizens arrest"? hope u had a nice 4th. ( ;


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