June 27, 2019

Winchester Walls and Foliage

Winchester is a nice town in northern Shenandoah Valley. Get away from the new shopping areas and explore the old town. 

Do you see the sign for Elvis Lane? That's not the real name; it's Pall Mall Street.

I hope if you're living in hot weather right now, you are able to stay comfortable.

See Gosia's linkup for more fences.


  1. ...I only saw the new shopping area, it wasn't too impressive!

  2. Hello, I am not really a shopper. Love the scenes and pretty blooms. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend.

  3. Interesting photos. Have a great weekend, Diane

  4. I like the Elvis Lane sign. Enjoy your weekend and stay cool!

  5. That last shot is a beauty.

    Here we're in the midst of a thunderstorm at present. I'm hoping it ends before I have to go home.

  6. great fence love from Katowice Poland

  7. I always have enjoyed Winchester. You shared pretty photos, thanks Linda.

  8. Looks like a lovely place. I love the flowers shot.

  9. Lovely photographs, especially the flowers.

    All the best Jan

  10. Three beautiful walls Linda, Elvis Lane made me smile ☺

  11. Beautiful flowers (especially the roses in the last picture). Too many people visiting these old towns really don't explore-they just stop for gas or eating on the Interstate and then move on. We've been guilty of that ourselves. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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