June 19, 2019

Ducks at the Mill, Edinburg.

Wild Bird Wednesday.
You can usually find ducks by the Edinburg Mill. They like Stoney Creek and also the food that visitors give them.

If you are curious about the old mill, I have posted pictures of it previously.


  1. Hello, I love watching the ducks. Great photos. Wishing you a happy day!

  2. Such simple birds, and beautiful. They've worked out a symbiotic relationship with us humans...though most of us don't eat ducks any more.

  3. Happy to see ducks.... they had a very tough winter around here... quite a lot died due to problem with the river freezing. Where the heck were the bird people to help them out? If we had heard anything before the disaster, I would have happily gone out with my axe to chop ice on the river.

  4. Aww, these are lovely photographs you've shared Linda, thank-you.

    All the best Jan


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