April 6, 2019

Birds, Cat, Squirrel

It's Saturday and time to share some critter photos, starting with a black and white image of some geese. I believe the white ones are descended from domestic geese that escaped from a farm and settled on our neighborhood lake.

The Canada geese are wild birds. They are good at flying and they come and go as they please.

I made some changes to the kitty photo using Photoshop and I'm sharing it with Caturday Art.

The gray squirrel is looking for bird seed. He has a big appetite.

Speaking of appetites, grackles descend on my feeders in groups and eat way more than their share.

My final bird today is a little goldfinch.


  1. Spring has arrived in your area! You have a great series of wildlife (and domestic).

    For all your sharing, I and we at I'd Rather B Birdin' send our thanks!!

  2. Hello, love the geese and cute kitty. The goldfinch is adorable. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  3. Cute kitty. Love the wings and the squirrel, but my favorite has to be the goldfinch. Happy Sunday!

  4. The Grackle looks like he's up to something.

  5. Grackles can clean you out fast. I tried throwing a bag of dog food away from my feeders and finally had to leave them empty for a few days so they would find better pickings

    1. Yes, they stuff themselves. Fortunately they are easy to scare away. They leave as soon as they see me at the window.

  6. The grey squirrel looks like he or she got through winter just fine.

  7. The Goldfinch sure is pretty! I love the soft yellows when they first get their color! Great group of photos! Hugs!

  8. Oh, grackles are not my favorite. I don't even like their name. Tulsa's parks are inundated by various waterfowl who were released or escaped from captivity. Such a rag tag bunch. I like the geese but many of them no longer migrate.
    And squirrels, I like them, as long as they stay out of our house!!
    I am totally okay with cats though.
    My goodness, I sound like an old curmudgeon tonight.

  9. Nice selection of creatures. That little goldfinch is cute.

  10. What a lovely collection of photographs …

    All the best Jan

  11. the bw image of the goose is gorgeous with the spread wings. Loved to see the canadagoose too. So far only a few have arrived at my location.


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