March 19, 2019

Walker's Cash Store and Some Nearby Farms

This general store served the small town of St. Luke for over a century. It closed in 2015 and is currently being fixed up to reopen as the St. Luke Co-op. There is an apartment upstairs that is rented as an Air BnB.

The term "cash store" was popular during the early 20th century. I've seen it used before for general stores or groceries.
Tuesday's Treasures.
At one time, St. Luke was a thriving town with two churches, a school, post office, sawmill, and two general stores. Over the years there were various businesses including a blacksmith shop, a saddlery, a gas station, lime plant, and even a distillery. [Source: Shenandoah County Library.] The churches and this store remain, plus a former schoolhouse that is apparently owned by one of the churches.

The community is in a pretty rural area. Here are some farm buildings along St. Luke's Road.

Sharing with the Barn Collective.


  1. Gostei de ver estas fotografias, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  2. ...wonderful scenes from your neck of the woods. A 'cash store' is a term that I've never around here. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week.

  3. With all the people around you it is hard to imagine a fading town. There is one town near my fathers boyhood area that has 7 people.

  4. That's a beautiful general store.

  5. Nice scenes. The general store would be a fun place to visit.

  6. Very nice scenes here.

    All the best Jan


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