March 17, 2019

The Oldest Church Building in Culpeper

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church was built in 1821. During the Civil War, the church was used as a hospital. In the winter of 1863, Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart and his staff attended church here.

On a matter unrelated except for the word Saint, today happens to be St. Patrick's Day. I hope you had a nice day, whether you identify as Irish or not.

I don't think of myself as Irish, but DNA shows I am 61% from the British Isles, so I probably have some Irish blood. Here is a traditional wish from Ireland for you:
May your day be touched by a bit of Irish luck, brightened by a song in your heart, and warmed by the smiles of the people you love. 


  1. The church does look old and has a interesting history from the sound of it. I'm 100% Irish, both my parents come from Southern Ireland ene though I was born in Oxford

  2. Hello, it is a pretty church. I like the steeple and entrance too. Enjoy your day, have a happy week ahead.

  3. Well done framing the church through the's certainly got history in its walls.

  4. Love old buildings and we have so many here, Happy day Diane

  5. Quite a beautiful church. General Stuart was quite a character.

  6. A very stately church. I have plenty of Irish in my family, confirmed by DNA, which was fun to find out!

  7. Interesting looking church. I have a little Irish in me, but I am mostly Welsh, Dutch, and German.


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