February 10, 2019

Blue Ridge Baptist Church

This charming church is in Criglersville, a small town in Madison County, Virginia.  There are barns within sight of the church. 

Black and White Weekend.


  1. ...Linda, you found some wonderful sights, the church and the barn are great. Thanks for sharing, enjoy the week.

  2. completely different from Europe

  3. Hello, pretty church and barns. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  4. Very pretty! There is a Madison County here in Florida too.

  5. That's a pretty church--looks very inviting!

  6. Pretty church and barn, and I’m intrigued by the tiny falling down shed, wondering what it was used for once upon a time.

  7. This is beautiful and looks much like ones in Kentucky.

  8. Nice to see the church and barns.

    All the best Jan

  9. ❤️our church before our move to Pensacola ❤️


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