February 8, 2019

A Hurried Post.

I have some online shopping to finish, so here's a quintet of pictures for Willy Nilly Friday and a few other linkups.

1. Skywatch: This is a sunset from Skyline Drive.

2. Floral Friday: A couple of our local hamburger places place fresh flowers on the tables. I thought these lilies added a nice touch!

3. I noticed this reflection while stopped for a traffic light in Front Royal.

4. This is just a cellphone snapshot of Happy Creek in Front Royal.

5. A photography group challenged us to post pictures on the theme "Abandoned." This dilapidated building near Strasburg was part of a small industrial site. A friend told me this is called the "Grinder House" because large rock grinding equipment was inside.

Have a nice weekend!


  1. ...that sunset is magic! Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your weekend.

  2. Hello, I love the view and sky in the first photo! Pretty flowers. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Glad you weren't driving as you captured the reflected window!

  4. A great selection of photos. The sunset is awesome!

  5. Wonderful collection of photos. I love the sunset and the flowers.


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