January 30, 2019

Yesterday: Birds in the Snow.


  1. Hi and happy WW! I love your birds! The cardinals are my favorite! I see you are from the Shenandoah Valley. I am from the Mid Ohio Valley on the western side of WV! When I was a very little girl, we went on a vacation, and I got to stand in the Shenandoah River, and being a naive and adorable child, I thought the river was named after ME! LOL Hope you're staying warm down there!

  2. Fotografias espectaculares, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  3. Birds seem to appreciate feeders more when it is cold. Great pics, stay warm!

  4. Hello, beautiful birds. The shot of the geese in the snow is awesome. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead.

  5. Wonderful photos of birds...well focused while the snow became blurs...something I never seem to get to happen. Keep warm!

  6. Love the birds!! Have a great day!

  7. It's always nice to see birds at feeders!
    Great photos !

  8. Always enjoy seeing the birds at feeders, especially being well taken care of in the snow. Lovely photos Linda.

  9. Colorful shots. They all look so cold.


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