October 7, 2018

The Church at Mt. Clifton

Mt. Clifton United Methodist Church sits on a hill overlooking Orkney Grade Road in Shenandoah County.  According to the county library archives, the church was built in 1884.

The last two photos show views from the church.


  1. Beautiful, and the sunset lighting gives great colors!

  2. What a classic looking chruch.

  3. How sweet, It reminds me of the church I used to go to as a child in Waterford, Indiana. It's no longer there . . . so sad.

  4. Nice-looking little church... Many moons ago, when I was in college, our college choir would visit lots of little churches like that one --and we'd do a concert for the people. They loved it when we did that....


  5. I always love to see your views out there. Must get up there to see those Fall colors too.

  6. That is quite a classic church.

  7. What a beautiful old church. I read about your day at the hospital too and will keep everyone in my prayers. Hugs!

  8. Such a pretty church and with a lovely view too.


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