July 15, 2017

Recent Critters

It's time for Saturday's Critters and the Bird D'Pot. Since this is summertime, I've seen a variety of animals.

The first one is a taxidermy raccoon seen in a nature center. I converted this to black and white.

The rest of the critters are real. This turtle was in our yard.

I see muscovy ducks all the time. They live at our community lake beside the other ducks and the geese.

A few days ago I was waiting for Frank to come out of the outlet store in Stephens City and I saw a mourning dove. Just as I raised my camera, he took off.

Yesterday we saw a couple of deer on Mountain Road. I was able to grab a picture of this buck.

The feral cats that live across the lake sometimes like to sit on the tracks. Fortunately the trains don't run very often.

This blue jay let me take his picture in Berryville today.


  1. Oh how I wish I could find a blue jay around here! You're so lucky to have them nearby!! Love the rail kitty! And yes, I've had a bird take off just as I lifted my camera so many times, it's frustrating most times...but you sure got a good shot of the dove!!!!

    Thanks for linking in at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend.

  2. Hello, Great variety of critters and birds. I love the turtle, deer and the Blue Jay. The Muscovy ducks are strange looking. Cool shot of the dove taking off. I hope the kitty moves when a train does come. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  3. Great photo of the dove in flight!
    Have a great day!

  4. Hello Linda1:) The Racoon is so realistic, it looks good in black and white. A nice variety of real critters today, from the Turtle to the Blue Jay. I hope the cat has good hearing, and wakes up before the train comes.

  5. Despite a few trips to the US I have yet to see a racoon - one day perhaps.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Grindelwald, Switzerland

  6. I enjoyed your selection of critter shots. You are lucky to live where you see wildlife frequently.

  7. Interesting and varied wildlife collection Linja... those kitties are either brave or foolish. I'll always remember the first Muscovy Duck I ever saw -- couldn't believe my eyes!

  8. It's a very handsome raccoon!


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