July 11, 2017

One More Picture of Little Bear

Linkups: SeasonsWWOT and Nature Notes


  1. Jikes - it's okay on a photo, as long as they don't appear by my house, lol!
    Many thanks for sharing with All Seasons, and fortunately you can drink some milk (does this mean you need special ice cream?)
    Have a great week!

    1. Yes, I can eat goat milk ice cream or the new cashew milk ice cream.

  2. How lucky you are to see a bear!

  3. You got some good pictures of the bear.

  4. Interesting, isn't it,how fascinating we all seem to be when seeing wildlife. Our souls need this kind of respite from modern society.

  5. It's so exciting to see wild life but knowing that this little one is probably not alone is terrifying!!

  6. Fantastic photo of the little bear in the wild!

  7. Nice to see the little bear, although I would be a bit nervous and wonder where mama bear was.

  8. Oh how sweet. I hope it survives. Here a young male showed up and they killed the poor thing. It was just passing through.... Michelle

  9. My first thought is "Where's Mama Bear?"


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