May 2, 2017

Antique Shop Phone Booth


  1. What a lovely old beauty Linda, I don't think I've ever seen a wooden phone box before ☺

  2. It's very rare to see a pay phone anywhere these days. I remember they used to be everywhere. The wooden booth is interesting.

  3. I seen those kind of phone booths in drugstores when growing up. Friends taught me how to make a phone call for a penny. Put a piece of thin cardboard (about six inches) down the quarter coin slot, then pull it out fast while dropping a penny down the nickel slot. Dial tone every time. :)

  4. They don't make them like that anymore!

  5. I remember those things!

  6. Now that is an old beauty!

    All the best Jan

  7. Haven't seen these for a long time. Love Bad Bill Burke's adolescent escapades.

  8. ...oh how cellphones killed these. Things were classier back then. Thanks Linda for sharing this flash from the past.

  9. Makes me want to see how many can fit.

  10. It's been a long time since I've seen a phone booth in the real world!

  11. Thanks for the view of this classic phone booth. It looks to be in marvelous shape.

    Appreciate you coming by to share/


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