April 14, 2017

Five Local Scenes

There are many places to link on Friday so I'm posting five photos for Willy Nilly Friday and other blog hops.
1. If the setting looks familiar, it's because I photograph this lake often. I can see it from our yard, but the sky changes, especially at sunset. 
Skywatch and Weekend Reflections

2. Today's challenge at My Town Shoot Out is "Administration." I chose a picture of the courthouse in Front Royal for this topic.

3. The next shot isn't for a linkup. I just wanted to announce that the picnic areas in Shenandoah National Park have reopened for the season. Sometimes I buy a salad  in Front Royal and take it up to Dickey Ridge for a picnic lunch.  I have a senior pass to enter the park, and the picnic area is just over four miles from town.

4. I noticed this sign in the picnic area. I guess the park service doesn't want bears in the bathroom! 

5. Here's one more sign for you. It's along Strasburg Road and it says "I need u." I don't know the origin of this and I wonder if it's related to another handmade sign along that road that says "Jesus."

Sharing with Signs, Signs


  1. Fantastic sky and reflection.

  2. I love that sky! Wonderful photo.

  3. A nice view from your yard.I like to eat outdoors, just took a salad out on my front porch Thursday.Some foods seem to taste better.

  4. The courthouse is quite distinctive!

  5. Wow ... the colours in that sky are amazing.

    Enjoy your weekend

    All the best Jan

  6. What a great sky! A beautiful reflection too.

  7. what a dooy guthrie.

  8. Definitely don't want to run into a bear in the bathroom!

  9. The bears can just do their business outside. :-)

  10. Beautiful colors in the sky photo!

  11. Beautiful courthouse and the sky is fantastic! Thanks for linking Linda! 😊


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