March 22, 2017

Duck and Daffodils

In Winchester, VA


  1. Lovely sparkle on the water. The duck has pretty scenery to enjoy life! Thank you for linking - have a nice day!

  2. Crystal clear pool is perfect backdrop for these sweet scenes.

  3. I do like ducks - and daffodils are good too!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  4. Pretty ducks and outstanding daffodils!

  5. The perfect combination, lovely images :)

  6. The duck's distinctive. The daffs are lovely!

  7. Le printemps est là ???
    Céline & Philippe

  8. Ah, spring! What a wonderful and welcome season. Lovely photos.

  9. Oh, how beautiful. The rippling water under the pretty duck and the daffodils. Nothing heralds Spring better than gorgeous, yellow daffodils. Just visiting your lovely place from way down the bottom of the world. So happy I did.


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