December 30, 2016

Five for a Post-Christmas Friday

1. New Year's Eve is tomorrow! It's just about time to take the tree down.  I wish you all a peaceful and rewarding new year!

Friday Greens
2.  My post that got the most hits for 2016 was George Washington National Forest.  It starts off with this picture but I don't think that has anything to do with it's popularity. The post just happens to get hits from people who were searching the web for information about the national forest.

3.  Skywatch Friday: Yesterday started off rainy but the sun came out. I caught the bright sky at Rapid Rehabilitation in Front Royal, where I had just received advice on avoiding further foot injuries. Since there isn't a cure for hyper-flexible ankles, I'm working on better balance.

4. Yoga anyone?

We've had ice on the lake. We had snow flurries today but no accumulation.

5. Flash likes his crate. Sometimes he just goes in there to rest.


  1. Ah - lovely shots! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.

  2. loved the last one specially .wishing you a safe healthy new year friend!

  3. Flash is such a sweetie.

    Happy New Year!

  4. Nice shots! I love the reflection. Flash is so cute! :-)

  5. Great reflection of that goose on the ice. And Flash looks cute as always! Happy 2017!

  6. Neat collection of photos. Flash always poses well for you. :)

  7. I wish we had a place to dispose of our Christmas tree....usually ends up in a bon fire though....I know a lot of dogs who love their crates! Thanks for linking Linda!


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