March 25, 2016

Five Randoms for Early Spring

1. It looks like spring has arrived and I'm glad! But of course, it's not a sure thing and we can still get snow, but for now I'm enjoying the mild temperatures and the bursts of color.

2. This little pond is serving several linkups today. The  blossoms meet the current "pink" theme for PhotoFriday, flowers in general are this week's theme for My Town Shoot Out, the reflected trees qualify for Weekend Reflections, and the koi are the right color for Orange You Glad It's Friday. And of course, this entire post follows the format for Willy Nilly Friday

3. I spotted this "Clean Up and Haul Manure" sign at the stables in Sky Meadows State Park. I may use this as a visual response to some of those ridiculous memes on social media — not the humorous ones, but the often-untrue political ones. Many people don't fact-check before they share, including folks who should know better. Stick to the truth people!

4. I found an error on my credit report, a fake name that they had as an alias for my name. I filled out a form and sent it to them. The reason I checked my reports was that once upon a time I worked on a government contract and OPM recently had a security breach and wrote me that someone might have my identity information. They offered me an ID protection service so I signed up.

5. This fluffy cat didn't stay still for long! I snapped a couple of pictures and decided to play with one of them in Photoshop for Feline Art Friday. I hope you like it.

And I hope you have a great weekend! Happy Easter!


  1. colors of spring...Happy Easter

  2. Happy Easter!

    Fantastic captures for OYGIF!

  3. Hello,

    Beautiful, colorful, enchanting photos.

    Spring is always a time of joy and delight.

    We have a very warm climate here and the heat is getting on our nerves. We will have to bear the heat for another two months and then the rains will come.

    Happy Easter.

  4. Looks like someone has prepared for a huge Easter egg hunt... That's a lovely little pond. Is it on your property? What do the fish do if it freezes? Your psychedelic cat is neat.

    1. It's a pond we saw on a tour. The fish survive the winter at the bottom of the pond even when the top of it freezes. Their metabolism slows down and they just wait it out!

  5. Enjoyed your Friday Five Linda. It feels so good to be enjoying Spring and all that it has to offer. You’ve got some great photos here. I feel the same way about the forwards received. We should most definitely not believe everything we read. How awful about your identity theft, ID protection sounds like a very good idea. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  6. That treatment on the kitty's perfect! Happy Easter to you.

  7. Excellent treatment on the cat. I thought it was a lion from the thumbnail but I didn't think you had roaring lions in your area :) Happy Easter to you and your family.

  8. I like this posting, and the top image is my favourite.

  9. Bad to read about your ID theft ... we all have to be so careful.

    Like the selection of images.

    All the best Jan

  10. Great catch on that identity breach! Lovely spring photos! Hope your Easter was awesome!

  11. I like the shot of you in front of the forsythia. The colorful Easter eggs look neat next to the daffodils too. Nice pictures!

  12. such pretty spring shots linda and i like the one of you! your feline art is cool! thank you for linking to willy nilly and hope you will come back tomorrow!


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