October 28, 2015

A Walk in the Woods at Kentuck Knob

October in Western Pennsylvania

If you tour Kentuck Knob, you have a choice of taking the bus back to the Visitor Center or strolling back through the woods. This is a walk worth taking! Sculpture was placed through the woodland by the second owners of the home. The original owners, the Hagans, planted the trees back in the 1950s or '60s, apparently selecting species that would provide spectacular fall colors. The effect is delightful!

This piece is a section of the Berlin Wall, which was demolished starting in 1990. Below we see two stone structures, a cairn and a circular wall. (You can click on a picture to see a larger version.)

Sharing with Outdoor Wednesday


  1. I have seen parts of the Berlin Wall at the Newseum in Washington DC. I wonder how they acquired theirs. Looks like it would have been worth missing the bus for that lovely walk.

  2. Pretty walk, they trees are beautiful. The piece of the wall is cool! Have a happy Thursday and weekend ahead!

  3. Interesting that a piece of the Wall would end up there. Beautiufl area, Linda!

  4. Looks like a beautiful place to walk.

  5. I'm reading this only now and I visited this place on Oct 21. It's awesome to know you were there on the same week. I also visited the Fallingwater House. Did you?


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