August 19, 2015

Geese and a Rainbow

A sudden downpour interrupted our sunny afternoon today. Afterword I went outside to look for a rainbow. It was a nice one so I drove to the other side of the lake to take some pictures. Perhaps you can see the faint second rainbow above it.

The geese seemed to be enjoying the weather.

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday and 


  1. Pretty capture of the geese and the rainbow! Enjoy your day!

  2. I can see the second rainbow...and such wonderful images of the lake, the sky and the wildlife. Beautiful.

  3. Great photos! What a beautiful day after the downpour!

  4. Yes, I can just make out the second rainbow.

  5. Happy geese and beautiful rainbows.

  6. Nice photos, Linda. I always like rainbow shots.

  7. That was a perfect afternoon. Sunny, rain then a rainbow.

  8. Lovely rainbows and neat shots of the geese. Looks like a very pretty lake area.

  9. lovely bird photos and the addition of the rainbow makes the photos more interesting

  10. Just love all these photo's - a great collection.

    All the best Jan

  11. What gorgeous shots of the ducks. The rainbow is an awesome bonus.


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