August 11, 2015

A Buck by the Forest


white-tailed deer


  1. Has your deer population increased? Ours seems to have done so. I'm seeing lots more of them, and even in broad daylight!
    Thanks for linking up at

    1. Not that I've noticed but our BEAR population has increased! I'd rather have deer.

  2. Pretty shots of the deer. I do not see them often around here. They should run and hide, hunting starts here on the Sept 15. Have a happy day!

  3. And of course that tail goes up and you can see that flash of white from a mile away!

  4. 3 does in my backyard last night. They love the hosta.

    1. Yes, they do! I've even seen them eat rose bushes!

  5. I like the first one where he is looking back at you. Nice nature shot.

  6. Isn't is fun to see them. Even for those few fleeting moments before they bound off into the woods.

  7. Well done for getting these shots - not easy, they never stay still for long!

    All the best Jan

  8. I used to go out on my front porch and if there was a deer in the front yard I would talk to it. It wouldn't run for me but the minute my husband said something it was off like a bolt


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