July 5, 2015

Exploring History at Droop Mountain

monumentThe 1863 Battle of Droop Mountain is interpreted in several ways at the state park. This monument to the men who died as a result of the battle is fairly new, erected for the 150th anniversary of the struggle. It stands near the park office and museum. 

The park is in the beautiful hills of West Virginia, near the appropriately-named town of Hillsboro. There is a spectacular scenic overlook which you reach by driving through the forested battlefield, which features a series of interpretive signs telling how Federal forces dislodged the Confederates who had fortified the mountain. Like many of the battles fought in West Virginia, the main reason for the battle was controlling important supply routes, such as railroad lines and highways.

(Click on image to open larger version.)

This sign tells of the "3rd West Virginia Mounted Infantry" (USA) under Lt. Col. Francis W. Thompson:
The men of the 3rd WV fought their way up this ravine extending their line of battle along the mountainside until they joined with the 28th Ohio. Upon reaching the top, they helped break the Confederate line and pursued the defeated army south towards Lewisburg.
You can see other interpretive signs for Droop Mountain on the Historical Marker Database.

Confederate Graves
Behind the Superintendent's Office is a barely-marked cemetery and a museum, located in a charming log building which appears to be a CCC-built cabin.  (For those who don't know, the CCC was the Civilian Conservation Corps, a jobs-creating program under Franklin Roosevelt's administration.

See all my Droop Mountain posts.

Reproduction of Parrott Rifle


  1. Peaceful today, Linda... not so peaceful back in those days!

  2. I really like the cabin picture.


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