June 9, 2015

A Barn, A Boat, and A Remembrance

With this post, I'm participating in a couple of blog hops: The Barn Collective and The Good, the Random, the Fun.

The Good: Tom the Backroads Traveller has taken the responsibility of hosting The Barn Collective. And I found my first barn quilt! This barn-turned-garage is along the Valley Pike in Shenandoah County. Barn quilts (painted quilt squares) have not caught on yet here in the Valley, but I suspect they will before long. There are plenty of barns here, and many artists and crafts people.

The Random: A couple enjoy the sun and a ride in an inflatable boat.

The Fun: My aunt was a fun person! It may seem unusual to categorize a tribute to someone we lost recently under the category of "Fun," but she knew how to enjoy life and would want to be remembered with smiles. She was 87.

We called her Doats but her name was Maribel. This photo is from her model portfolio from the 1950's. She told me she went to modeling school because she wanted to overcome her feelings of being awkward, having been taller than other girls in her school. She worked as a model in New York and then as an actress and singer on Broadway.

She and Uncle Don had a beach house in New Jersey which we visited in summers.  They had an apartment in Manhattan and a convertible! When she got together with my mom (her big sister), there was happy chattering and laughter.

She was the last member of their generation in my family. She is survived by her son and grandchild.


  1. Thanks Linda for linking your quilt barn. In our are we have several "quilt barn tours." It must take a lot of organizing to get one going, let's hope that there is a special someone in your area. Your aunt must have had a fun 87 years. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. I like the barn quilt and the water picture is really pretty. Your aunt sounds like a very special person.

  3. That inflatable boat looks relaxing. Your aunt sounds like an amazing women.

  4. What a Lady and you are lucky to have her as your aunt!
    Keep all good memories!


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