May 7, 2015

Fences and Flowers by the South Fork

Dogwood trees and rail fence

dogwoodThe dogwood trees are pretty at Eastham Park in Front Royal. I also saw some wildflowers blooming along the Shenandoah.

This park is next to a boat ramp and features soccer fields, a dog park, and a paved path along the waterfront. You can find it by taking Luray Avenue toward the river.

Sharing with Good Fences 


  1. Flowers, trees and shrubs always set off a fence nicely - or is it the other way round.


  2. You live in a lovely area Linda. My son in law will be hike in Shenandoah next week. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Pretty flowers and blossoms, lovely fence scenes.. We are putting off our spring trip to Shenandoah Nat'l Park due to the tunnel being closed.. We like to drive all the way down from Front Royal.. Have a happy weekend!

    1. Yes, there was a rock slide at the tunnel. The alternate routes are scenic though!

  4. really gorgeous! thanks, linja!

  5. Hi Linda, those are beautiful dogwood trees and such pretty scenes. It made me happy to see you sharing them with Today's Flowers :) Thank you so much!

  6. Almost forgot the bluebells, what a treat it is to see them.

  7. Oh the dogwood blooms are so pretty, and gorgeous flowers, too. Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Beautiful dogwoods! Miss those Va. scenes!

  9. Very pretty! We have a dogwood blooming in our yard too.

  10. A beautiful scenery and wonderful blossoms!


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