April 29, 2015

Geese Police

I love watching Canada Geese, but I admit that they can become a nuisance. They are a hazard around airports, for instance.

So entrepreneurs have risen to the call for chasing away the geese. Border collies have a talent for this so they are trained and employed to perform geese-removal services.

We happened to see this vehicle in Loudoun County and I liked the signs. Sorry, geese! 


  1. it is a pity they are a nuisance but planes must be safe for peole to use safely.

  2. The border collies are a very good idea for that.

  3. Nice to see the Border Collies can help out the situation.

  4. I do wonder how they chase them away.

  5. I also love to see Canadian Geese, but I wish that they would return each spring to Canada. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  6. Doggy geese police :) we're having a problem with ducks, we have a pair that return every year at this time to swim in our pool, not a popular move!

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  8. Boarder Collies are happiest when they are working. This seems excellent work for them, certainly better than shooting the geese.

  9. I wish the geese police would come around my house in the summer and chase them away.

  10. I am glad they use the border collies. They are intelligent animals and always do a great job. It's a humane way to move the geese along to a safer place!

  11. canada geese removal in New Jersey solves this problem! They remove the birds humanely and safely. No harm done!


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