November 19, 2014

Duck on a Rock

I believe these are mallards. Did you notice the other duck on the grass?

Sharing with: Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. Not only that, it's a one legged duck ;))

  2. Life's not all it's quacked up to be.

  3. Cool picture! I didn't notice the second duck until you mentioned it.

  4. Nicely done. I missed the second duck until you pointed it out.

  5. Nice shot - looks great in B & W. I didn't notice the other duck until I read your comment.

  6. What a pretty shot!

  7. I didn't notice the other duck right away! :-) I was wondering if the duck just had its other leg tucked in. Great B&W shot!

  8. Like the others I didn't notice the second duck either.
    Nice black and white shot.

  9. Not at first until I read what you wrote. Mostly I was concentrating on how that duck on the rock was standing on one leg. Great black/white shot.

  10. I always love this one legged stance - its classic relaxed duck!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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