October 27, 2014

Parks and Recreation Mural

This colorful mural is in Shenandoah County Park in Maurertown, Virginia. It was painted at "Summer Art Mural Camp" in 2013.

Sharing with: Monday Mural


  1. What a colorful and pretty mural. I love it. Have a happy day!

  2. So neat! I love murals. If art was everywhere, I don't know how anyone could ever be unhappy!

  3. That's a fun one! Looks very cheery!

  4. Great pictures, what a cheerful mural!

    Thank you so much for your kind comment! I'm getting better each day, so I hope to be sharing stuff regularly from now on.

  5. So colorful, it reminds me of the Ithaca New York Children's Garden. Tom The Backroads Traveller


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