August 25, 2014

Random Moments at the Seashore

The beach at Assateague Island, Virginia is really nice. It does get busy but it's still quieter than most Atlantic beaches. There is no boardwalk or development there except for small portable buildings and a nearby visitor center. You're in a national park here and must cross a wildlife refuge and a causeway to reach the town of Chincoteague.

You can also reach the island from Maryland south of Ocean City. There is a tent camping area on the Maryland portion of the island.


  1. What a great collection of photos of people having fun. Enjoy now before winter sets in. I'd love to be there.

  2. Nothing can beat a day at the beach on a fine Summer fact ANY day of the year!!!

    Great photos of people watching LOVE to do that myself.

  3. nice scenes! i like the 3rd one.

  4. I haven't been down the shore in years. Nice pictures. I'd love to go for a walk along the shoreline early in the morning.

  5. We haven't visited this particular park, but it sure looks like a wonderful beach to visit.

  6. Though there are people around, the beach doesn't come across as overly busy at all.

  7. So bright and cheery! It looks like a popular place. :)

  8. I would love to go there. I've wanted to ever since I read Marguerite Henry's books!

  9. Nice beach shots. It's lovely up there.

  10. Everyone looks so happy at the beach! Love the shot of the umbrellas, the sky and the seagulls in flight.

  11. Essas águas são geladas?/ deu-me impressão que sim....belo dia!

  12. My favorite beach, I like going there when it is not crowded. I do love your people shots. Have a happy week!

  13. Being at the beach anywhere would be fun but a less crowded one makes for a more relaxing time. Looks like you had a great time there.

  14. What wonderful shots! Assateague and Chincoteague hold a special place in my heart... I grew up on the stories of Misty and Stormy the ponies...Thank you so much for bringing this to RMoD this week!

  15. I enjoyed your posts on Assateague. My husband and I camp in a "Scamp" trailer and often speak of visiting the area. I enjoyed seeing the landscape and beaches through your posts.


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