August 7, 2014

Fences at an Orchard

In Clarke County, VA

Let's take a closer look at the apple tree.

Linking to: Good Fences


  1. love these kinds of fences! thanks, linda!

  2. Those rail fences always appeal to me. Beautiful shots, Linda!

  3. Particularly love the 2nd shot of the weathered fence

  4. A lovely series of fence photos!

  5. I think rail fences are one of my favorite country fences. That tree is loaded!!!

  6. Those old weathered fences look great don't they. That's a pretty full apple tree.

  7. Nice close-ups. A very popular fence type in my neck of the woods, too.

  8. I used to have split rail fences at a house I used to own. They are very pretty.


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