August 2, 2014

Drawn to the South Fork

Shenandoah River State Park

Austin found the river irresistible and waded right in. His brother Justin followed him. Cousin Josie approached the water but did not get wet.

Linking to: Weekend Reflections


  1. pretty river! i'd have gotten right in. :)

  2. Pretty shots of the river.. My hubby would wade right in! Have a happy Sunday!

  3. Fantastic river... Lovely photos...

  4. I'd choose something else to wear but jeans though! It'll take hours to dry out!

  5. William, I agree. Fortunately I had thought to grab some towels before we left so there were towels to sit on in the car. These boys have a history of doing this!

  6. Looks like such a peaceful place. :)

  7. That does look like a neat place to explore. Reminds me of a creek we would play in when I was a kid.


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