July 15, 2014

View from Our Yard this Evening

I noticed some pretty clouds so I grabbed my camera and walked out to the lake.

Such pretty scenery! I uploaded a brief video to YouTube.

Linking to: Our World Tuesday


  1. Wow wow wow - so magical!

  2. This is just so very lovely! How lucky you are to live in such a heavenly place!

  3. So neat to hear the sounds that go with the scenery. Marvelous!

  4. The sky (and the reflection in the water) is gorgeous. These photos are works of art.

  5. The sky (and the reflection in the water) is gorgeous. These photos are works of art.

  6. You've captured some magic in that sky :)

  7. What a lovely view!

  8. These are gorgeous shots! Fabulous job! I'm right next to you on the grid over at Our World Tuesday.

  9. Hi Linda, I enjoyed your two latest posts... I did see the bird in the tree!!! AND--I loved your yard photos and video. You are a good video person... I haven't gotten into that much yet...

    I have never even heard of Romney, WV.. That train you rode on is VERY different from ours --but it does remind me a little of some of the trains I used to ride as a child....


  10. Am now following you by email (my favorite way to follow someone) ---so I'll do a better job keeping up with your posts. THANKS...

  11. Wow.. that's a beauty of a sunset!

  12. I hear the goose in the backround of the video calling for it's friends and family


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