July 4, 2014

Skywatch Charlottesville

Evening in C'ville

My older daughter needed me to drive her to and from Charlottesville for wrist surgery early this week.  Since her appointment was for 6:00 in the morning and it's across the mountains from her home, we decided to travel there the evening before and spend the night in a hotel. She got a great deal on this Courtyard hotel via the internet.

By the time we had dinner at a nearby buffet place, the sky was starting to get dark. Our room looked out on a courtyard. It was a very nice room except that I found my mattress to be uncomfortably hard.

Lynn's surgery went well and now she is recovering.

Linking to: Skywatch Friday


  1. Glad to hear the surgery went well. That's a peaceful sky.

  2. Nice to hear good news about the successful surgery. The hotel looks beautiful; it's a pity that you didn't get comfortable sleep.


  3. All the best for your daughter!!
    A beautiful hotel but next time I wish you a nicer reason to stay there ... and a better sleep!

  4. Good news on he daughter and gorgeous scenery in your area. Too bad about the mercury pollution we're also working on that problem here in Bluff Country....

  5. Wow. That is one stunning sky.
    I am glad to hear the surgery went well.

  6. Lovely sky, Linda.

    Good about your daughter.

  7. A lovely property. Loved the shot of the river in the previous post.

  8. Que bom que deu tudo certo com cirurgia de filha!

    belo dia bjssssssss

  9. Your blog is amazing.Photos are very great.


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