July 23, 2014

Bird Interrupted by Squirrel

Linking to: Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. A furry tailed squirrel bird! Man, they figure them out no matter where you put a feeder....

  2. They are always very determined to always find a way to get a free meal.

  3. Ha ha. A familiar scene although I haven't seen my local squirrels for a long time now. Might have to have a chat with the cat about that.

  4. Sad, those squirrels just take over. Cute shots.

  5. Those pesky squirrels! They are always getting in to our bird feeders too.

  6. Squirrels are such acrobats. Seems like they can go anywhere!

  7. Oh, how rude of the squirrel! *sternlook*

    Great images, though. ;-)

  8. No squirrels in our birdfeeder at this time. Fun Shots.

  9. This is a neat photo sequence. We have some of those mean squirrels at our feeders as well.


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