April 29, 2014

Virginia Bluebells

Mertensia virginica

Bluebells grow in moist woodlands. These are in Harrisonburg, but I've seen stream valleys full of them.
Linking to: Nature Notes


  1. Oh how pretty. The only thing blooming here is the daffodils.

  2. Pretty flowers. Wish they grew here.

  3. The bluebells are lovely! Have a great evening!

  4. Linda, if your area has a location called a square, go with that! That's what I did for the theme day.

  5. I love the blue color too which is accentuated by a beautiful day.

  6. I really like these bluebells. The colors are wonderful.

  7. Those are lovely. I don't think I've seen any grow around here on our farm.

  8. Lovely, lovely images. Yes, portraits in a beautiful area like you show, it makes for a perfect day and great post!!

  9. lindas e diferentes flores! bj

  10. How pretty they are. I am looking for some woodland flowers to plant in my yard that are native to my area.. Michelle


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