April 22, 2014

Tuesday Tulips

Linking to: Our World Tuesday


  1. Ah - so lovely!

  2. These are beautiful tulips. I love the colors.

  3. Very pretty. I'm looking forward to when the blooms happen here.

  4. Lovely tulips! Very colorful!

  5. Pretty tulips! The deer ate most of mine, so I only have a few.

  6. I have tulips... just a couple that are in a really bad place. I need to move them and give them a chance to bloom.

  7. Beautiful! Our tulips are slowly emerging, but won't be blooming for a little while yet.

  8. Very pretty! I love those colors. We have one little tulip out so far. Ha! There will be more to come soon, though.

  9. Your have a talent for capturing these beautiful flowers. Lovely!

  10. Years ago, we had several tulips planted after Easter, but it seems the bulbs were a tasty treat for voles that prolifeate our yard...thankfully the daffodils have proved not as attractive and so they have multiplied.


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