April 19, 2014

Sepia Donkey

Linking to: Sepia Saturday


  1. There were a couple of donkeys in with the herd of cattle on the farm behind our property when I grew up. They're animals with a lot of character.

  2. Love the sepia tone and the photo. thanks for sharing this pretty donkey. Such a sweety!

  3. Lovely donkeys,in a small farm by my house, they are several. happy Easter

  4. I have always loved seeing donkeys! They are so darn cute! Great shot!

    Thank you for linking up to my critter party. Enjoy your day and Happy Easter!

  5. I haven't seen anyone around here that has donkeys. Happy Easter to you.

  6. Lovely picture, delicious donkey!

  7. We have one at work that guards the sheep but they had to move the ram out as it was starting to shove the donkey around.

  8. You've captured a very forlorn look on this donkey. Cute picture.

  9. Wow what a great shot of this donkey. I always look forward to your photo gallery! Thanks for sharing on Sepia Saturday

  10. HI Wonderful photo. Hope you had a great Easter.


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