March 10, 2014

White Tail, Green Tie

Deer at Dickey Ridge, Skyline Drive

deer with radio collarWe saw a herd of deer yesterday in Shenandoah National Park. Some of the deer were wearing iPhones! Okay, not really. 

The green tag has a number and the deer wears a small transmitter. She's part of a tracking program designed to reveal the travel habits of the park's deer so that strategies can be put in place to prevent the spread of chronic wasting disease. So far this serious illness has not reached the park, but it has been reported in a nearby state.

This isn't the first time I've seen one of the tagged deer. I saw one last summer while walking on a trail not far from this location on Dickey Ridge.

"Nice collar! Where'd you get it?"
Linking to: Nature Notes


  1. Goodness, that's kind of bulky. Wonder if it bothers her?

  2. They are super! Wouldn't I love getting a chance at photos like that. Like the iPhone remark :).

  3. Oh lucky you! So sweet!

    The only time I came that close to deer in the USA, my camera's battery went dead!

  4. I have never seen a deer tagged at Shenandoah.. Lovely shots, they are so pretty. Have a happy day!

  5. i'd hate to wear jewelry 24/7.

  6. Must be nice to live so close to Skyline Drive!

  7. Lovely photos, sweet looking deer. Those collars do look bulky.

  8. They seem bulky, but if they're like the ones I've seen, they're light.

    Good shots. I have been close to deer, even though they're quite skittish. The closest I've ever been to one was when he darted into my path while cross country skiing. I got a twisted ankle out of that. All he got was a "wow, what was that?" reaction.

  9. I hate seeing tagged animals but like you mentioned it is for their safety.

  10. I wonder if hunters will avoid shooting a tagged deer. There has to be some compensation for waking up with such an annoying tumor!

  11. It's very beautiful animals.
    Greetings :)

  12. I've never seen deer tagged like that around here, beautiful scenes and love that light!

  13. That's quite a treat to see deer that close! It's good that they are tracked so they can be cared for.

  14. I am sure the tracking program helps them learn about the deer... but the poor one that is singled out to wear that crazy thing.

  15. The tags have a notice for hunters to not eat the deer until after a certain date because some anesthesia may linger. If I were a hunter, I would avoid shooting that deer!

  16. Neat pictures! Your caption for the second shot made me smile. :)

  17. That disease isn't here either and I know they keep an eye on the herds.. Cute deer for Nature Notes...Michelle


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