March 19, 2014

Starlings on Snowy Branches

March 17, 2014

Linking to: Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. They're all wondering where spring is!

  2. Ah! what beautiful photos! Amazing!

  3. Cute shot of the three starlings. I am wondering will the snow ever end..Have a happy day!

  4. Cute little birds. But I'm tired of the white stuff!

  5. Very pretty images. I shared icy Starlings last week ;)

  6. We're getting fresh snow today too - on the first day of spring!

  7. Neat pictures! They really stand out against the snow. I love the second picture especially.

  8. Fantastic captures. I love that they're lined up like that.

  9. Looks like you have had plenty of winter weather-snow makes the world so pretty, at least for a short period of time. Spring must be just around the corner though. Mickie :)

  10. Our snow is mainly melted in the Binghamton area of upstate New York so I was able to really appreciate your photos. I loved the "lined up birds" one especially. I am in Brooklyn tonight, and saw starlings (?), hundreds of them, coming in at sunset to roost in trees. It was an amazing sight. Wish you could have been there to take pictures!

  11. Wonderful photos! These birds are so pretty!


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