March 29, 2014

Sepia Squirrel

This handsome fellow is a young gray squirrel. He's cute but voracious!

I used an action in Photoshop to give this a sepia-toned look so he'd qualify for Sepia Saturday. He can also be seen in Saturday Critters along with dozens of other fine creatures.



  1. ...and they are irresistibly cute!!! your reflections image in the post below also.

  2. I can't help it... they always, always look like they're up to something.

  3. He/she is a cutie! Thank you for sharing your post on my critter party. Have a happy weekend!

  4. This shot makes it look quite innocent and adorable.

  5. This is a great picture of the squirrel. I like the sepia treatment.

  6. He is very cute. Did you see my post this week with the red squirrel?

  7. So, that's what squirrels look like! Jedi and Roxy are very serious about keeping them out of the yard, so I haven't seen one that close in a long time. They're cute! Why do the dogs despise them so much?

  8. I'm making my late rounds to say hi to all on the Saturday Sepia hop! That picture capture is pure amazing. Look at the squirrel's expression!


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