March 7, 2014

Abstract with Orange and Yellow

I was attracted by the colors and texture in a "found" object so I took a photo of it. When I enlarged it in Photoshop, I saw an eye so I cropped it to show you. But I also saved a copy of the full frame, below.

Still can't tell what it is? That's the fun of it!


  1. I haven't the slightest idea what it might be.

  2. Looks like something rusty, but it's way too small to tell.

  3. I can't place what it is but I feel like I should know what it is, that is neat how it makes you stop and think, that is what art is about. I switch my camera to macro and find that there is a whole other world that we don't see.

  4. Creative thinking and fun photos ~ thanks, xxx

  5. I don't know what it is, other than beautiful.

  6. I have no idea what it is, but the colours are lovely, Linda.

  7. Yes, that delicious wonderful texture and color of rust!

  8. It looks great... for a .. hmmm.. rusty barbeque basin?

  9. Intriguing and thought-provoking image. I thought of a large pizza, but it obviously not that. I like your cropping to put the 'eye' off center. Very good posting!!

  10. I liked your editing...placing the hole off center♪ Glad you included the unedited version...

  11. Hilary got it! This is a rusty grill we came across in a picnic area.

  12. very unique.. and it captured my eye.


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