February 3, 2014

Skyline High School

Front Royal, Virginia

We reached Skyline High School by walking up the trail from Eastham Park. The school is practically "across the road" from Skyline Drive, the road being U.S. 340.

Yesterday was a great day for taking a walk because temperatures warmed up to the point that you didn't need a jacket. Most of the snow finally melted, but not for long. We had more snowfall this morning! Fortunately it was only an inch or two and is now melting again.

"What Happened to Righteous Government?"
I saw this message painted on the asphalt but I don't know who wrote it there.

Linking to: The Our World Meme


  1. Yes, it seems that winter is giving a truce!

  2. We had a beautiful day Saturday -- yesterday and today not so much. I'm glad some good weather got up your way.

  3. What a great post for OWT ~ and love the question about 'righteous government' ~ thanks, carol ^_^

  4. We had more snow here today, about 4-6 inches of the wet white stuff. I will be happy when spring has arrived. Enjoy your week ahead!

  5. what an interesting piece of graffiti

  6. Aqui o calor está sufocante...sds do friozinho.
    copiei a foto.
    boa semana! bjs

  7. It hasn't warmed up here that much yet, but I'm looking forward to when spring arrives so we can return to walking outside.

  8. Looks like a nice day for a walk, I'm jealous.

  9. Wow it must've been warm for that young lady to run without long pants in winter. I hope you get more great weather.


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