February 5, 2014

Riverside Scenes, February

When we first visited the Eastham Park Trail in late 2011, it was new and had just been paved. Now it's been extended and underbrush cleared out so we have great views of the Shenandoah River.

The trail is multi-use, suitable for biking and jogging as well as walking. It also offers access to a fenced dog park.


  1. quite the estate in the first photo.

  2. I'd love to walk or ride a bike along that path.

  3. It looks very pleasant to walk through.

  4. This looks like a wonderful trail to access. The views of the river must be fantastic. I'd certainly enjoy walking there.

  5. I would love walking or riding bike next to the river!

  6. Very beautiful colonial house! I love the colonials so much that we built one of our own. It's not as showy as that one but it is pretty nonetheless if I do say so myself! lol

  7. Such a lovely weather you have there, I am so envy! Lovely captures!

  8. The biking family is so sweet. What a lovely area.


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