February 24, 2014

Looking Left and Right

Mourning Dove in a Tree

doveMourning Doves are plump birds that make such a delightful cooing sound, I had forgotten that people hunt them for food. I read on our state game commission site that doves are very popular as a game bird. They are plentiful and stay around all year.

My photo of a dove with a blue jay was popular with readers last year. Normally they don't hang out together.


  1. I have always liked the sound of their coos.

  2. People still eat them? I did not realize that, either.

  3. Can't imagine eating one, I'll just look.

  4. Sweet photos of the dove. I love to hear them cooing. They are much better than an alarm clock :)

  5. Wow...don't think I have seen one of these. Well captured.

  6. What a beauty…. I too love their cooing, so serene.

  7. We see those a lot here. I didn't know people eat them, though. Nice shots.

  8. I couldn't eat one. Lovely shots of them in the branches!

  9. I have read that too and really how many would it take to make a meal... enjoyed the photos of a sweet bird and the post with the jay and doves.. Michelle from Nature Notes...

  10. Such a lovely shot !

  11. The doves are so sweet! Lovely capture, the lighting is perfect. Have a great evening!

  12. I've never seen one in person, but they look like gentle, sweet things. Lovely photos.

  13. They look very small. It must be difficult to eat.

  14. I love the sound of a mourning dove cooing their heart out.

  15. Pretty!!! And having all that sunlight on the beautiful doves...what a plus.


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