February 12, 2014

Little Tracks in the Snow

Water World, Black and White

Ducks or geese waddled across the snow leaving curving trails. Yes, it looks like sand, but I can assure you it was snow that was still on the ground yesterday near Winchester.


  1. So nice. You can see where they walk.
    From Hilda

  2. A common sight here around open water. The ducks come down from shelter spots in the morning to the water's edge, and you see their tracks in the snow.

  3. Ha! Wow, that's a lot of tracks. Great picture!

  4. So strange to see snow like this near water - at least to me. Amazing network of tracks.

  5. Nice shot. It hasn't snowed yet here in England.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  6. Wonderful shot with all the little bird feet!

  7. If you get the snow that we got, and are getting, you won't see tracks for quite awhile. Stay in and stay warm is my new philosophy.

  8. I have had a lot of crows in my back yard trying to find some food. Poor things are starving.


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