January 27, 2014

Feathers a-Flutter

Once in a while I capture a bird taking off or landing at a feeder. Usually it's an accident, for the birds move quickly.

They are fun to watch, though! Since the temperature has been below freezing for days now,  I'm happy to be able to photograph them through a window.


  1. The wild birds here eat left over chicken feed in the safety of the chicken pen, well it is safe until the chickens attack one and eat it. Other than that it is good. The horse drops some grains of feed and the get that as well. No feeders as there is so much wild food in the fields.

  2. Wow, that's great to capture fine images as these of your feathered friends. Very nice job!

  3. nice "action" shots....pretty feather detail!!

  4. They are gorgeous captures, particularly the cardinal.

  5. Very nice job on the flight shots! Mine are usually accidents, too. Love the blur on the cardinal wing.

  6. Nice geese - and if they asked, I'd pay!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. Great shots! I love the Cardinal best.

  8. Neat captures. I like that bright red cardinal.

  9. I like these action shots! The wing on the cardinal looks beautiful. Thank you for linking up to my critter party. Have a happy day!


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