January 1, 2014

Favorite Views from Our Yard

I've been trying to pare down candidates for my 2013 Photo of the Year and yesterday I posted bird pictures and in late December I posted theme day images, Skyline Drive views, and Shenandoah photos. Here's my final category: The View from my Back Yard.

Yes, we are lucky to have a great view from our yard! But it wasn't luck that brought us here, for I watched real estate listings for a long time searching for the waterfront property that my husband wished for, at a reasonable price and in a convenient location. Our previous home had a beautiful mountain view so we weren't ready to give that up just for the convenience of living close to town.

I'm happy to share our view with you! Let me know which photo one you like best.


  1. Oh my gosh Linda, they are all beautiful. You are going to have a really hard time picking.
    If I had to choose,... I can narrow it down to 3, 4 and 5. Not that the other ones aren't beautiful... it is just for some reason those three caught my eye.

  2. They are all gorgeous! I like the fourth and fifth ones the best.

  3. Once again, I like them ALL, but I'm really drawn to the first one.

  4. THAT'S the view from your backyard! WOW!

  5. You live in a really nice part of the state and you have had a wonderful year of photography. It has to be a good year when you have to choose between the ones you have shown. Have fun in 14.

  6. Well if that is your back yard I want to come and live there. Beautiful

  7. So pretty. I do like the one at sunset where the sky is all pink.

  8. great views...my favorite, although i really like them all, is probably the one with the boy in the boat...i don't like our views here it this house. we have a lot of trees (which is good for shade) but we can't see much!

  9. Just gorgeous, one and all! I feel deprived not having a view or even the ability to watch the sun set.

  10. Beautiful shots!

    I might narrow it down to #3 or 4.


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