July 15, 2013

View from the Newcastle Hotel

We stayed at the Newcastle on Atlantic Avenue. It has a view of the ocean and is well-located, if a bit worn.
The boardwalk and bike path were practically under our balcony.


  1. Beautiful photos - such a lovely spot!

  2. I can forgive a hotel many things if it has a killer view!!

  3. I could really use a day at the beach right now. Looks so pretty there.

  4. Belas fotografias...Espectacular....

  5. Wow those are beautiful shots! Looks very peaceful and relaxing.

  6. I love staying so close to the beach. If I can't walk to it, I just don't enjoy it as much.

  7. Bom dia! vista maravilhosa do hotel!
    linda praia! bj

  8. It is a pleasure to enjoy your excellent posts. hug

  9. Looks like it was a super place to stay.... Great pics


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