April 22, 2013

Two Goldfinches

 Different day, different angle, different gender.

The male goldfinch is bright yellow in springtime. Aren't they pretty?

Link: American Goldfinch at All About Birds


  1. Not only pretty, also very striking!

  2. What gorgeous shots!

  3. They are lovely, Linda!
    Great pictures!

  4. You sure have a lot of different birds coming to your yard. I should probably feed the birds in the winter but we travel so much that I don't want the birds to rely on me for food.

  5. I love seeing the bright yellow of the males. Great photos!

  6. I have tried and tried to take photos of birds but not very successfully. So I can really appreciate these shots.

  7. Love these photo, they are so lovely!

  8. Lovely shots Linda:)Finches are pretty birds!


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