April 28, 2013

Eww! My Creepiest Post Ever

If snakes give you nightmares, you may not want to look at these pictures!

The other day I had just gotten in the car when I saw something move under the dryer vent. Omigosh, it's a snake! And it was looking in the vent!

Of course, I took it's picture! Then I jumped out of the car and yelled at it, hoping to scare it away from the house. Instead it slithered up into the vent.

We made some noise but failed to scare it out. My husband called animal control and they said they would either call back or come by. I watched to see if it came out while Frank made noise in the laundry room to try to scare it. That failing, he turned on the dryer. After what seemed like a long time, the snake came out.

It's a harmless snake. We installed a grate that goes over the vent to keep it out.

Oh, don't tell Frank's daughters about this. He doesn't want them to be afraid to stay here.


  1. We're lucky to live in an area that only has little garter snakes and in urban areas even those are absent.

  2. I kept hearing a noise when I turned my dryer on and there was a possum in our vent, with a bedding of twigs and leaves, etc. We changed out our vent cover, too!

  3. Oh that is creepy. I can not stand the thought of a snake being inside the house. But, my son has a pet snake.

  4. ACK! Oh my gosh, if thst happened to me that would freak me out for weeks!

  5. our vent hood is a 'flapper' and i'm just waiting for a snake to come up and thru.

  6. Awww... poor snake.

  7. I think a grid to cover the dryer vent was a very wise investment.

  8. Ugh.. I don't care for snakes but I don't suppose you want to hear my concern that she might have had a nest in the vent..

  9. Hilary, you are right... I don't want to hear that!
    Well, the vent cover has holes that are big enough for baby snakes to get out. They are smaller than an adult mouse, which is something else I was concerned about. I met a woman who had a snake come through the dryer vent and out a hole into the laundry room in order to catch mice that had found there way in there!

  10. Wow, good pics! We've had some black snakes get a little too close for comfort ourselves: http://www.olddominionwildlife.com/2010/07/14/rat-snake-climbing-screen-door/

  11. Oh wow! I like snakes, but I wouldn't want one to come visiting like that. Fortunately we only have pet snakes in Ireland, not the free-range kind.

  12. Snakes, mysterious and diverse, embody nature's intriguing enigma. From venomous predators to mesmerizing patterns, they captivate with their unique role in ecosystems. chennai airport pickup


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