March 9, 2013

Little Birds on a Feeder


  1. So pretty. Those sparrows are enjoying the sunny day.

  2. I don't have a lot of sparrows, but I do have Crows galore!!

  3. Nice. Are those white throated sparrows?

  4. It's fun to watch the birds at the feeder. They are so entertaining. Nice photo!

  5. Nice feeder and we have one very similar which is stored in the barn for now as the grackles and starlings perch on it and shake out all the seeds.

  6. I had to come and see your birdies. They are cute! I enjoy watching my feeder birds!

  7. Gardeninacity, I don't know if they are white throated sparrows. We have that variety in Virginia but I don't see the yellow stripe on these. I understand only the male has the stripe though.


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